Good morning. How are you? I hope you had a good weekend. The news I have to bring you today will already be evident to those of you who have been friends of the monsters for a while. Yes, after twenty months, faithful #867a6c is the Daily Monster background color no more. Suddenly, in the midst of mixing up colors for the Canvas Monsters I was seized by Chromatic Fever and decided it was time for something new — something light blue. I hope you’ll like it.

Before you follow me into the wild #b3c9c8 yonder, please help me say Thank You to old #867a6c. It was there from the very first day of this site, before it was even called dailymonster.com. It never asked for anything, always did its duty, always served as a fine, fine foundation for all the monsters. #867a6c, we salute you! 344 LOVES YOU



  • Sue Bebie
    23 June 2008 12:59 am

    Nice this new, heavenly light blue background color. Good for sensitive blue eyes too. 😉

  • Andu
    23 June 2008 4:15 am

    Farewell, old funny orange-gray background! It doesn’t work as fine over here, as I only see blue frames around the pictures, but I guess my browser causes this.
    The new color is really nice. It makes the monsters look..well, how do you say it…they stand more in the spotlight, as their dark color contrasts with the light blue. Nice choice, Stefan! 🙂

  • 23 June 2008 7:08 am

    Oh 867a6c, you did your RGB parents well. Time to let your brother b3c9c8 have the spotlight for a while.

  • 23 June 2008 8:00 am

    Out of the dark and into the light. But it is easy on the eyes……*sigh* everything changes
    Yes, I’m sad about George Carlin too.

  • 23 June 2008 11:09 am

    your smooth monster blue is just like the accent wall in my office, and the cool blue of my backyard pool…very comfortable.
    it’s so sad when the “one-of-a-kind-good guys” who lived to tell the truth on this planet get called away to the big party and have to leave us so soon…summer in the city…

  • 23 June 2008 8:56 pm

    I hope you are ok. Big changes can bring on trauma.

  • 30 June 2008 11:30 am

    I like it–it has a childlike quality. 🙂

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