Good morning. I hope you had a good weekend, and that the new week will bring you lots of good, interesting things. Many of you checked in over the weekend and left great stories for Monster 173 and Monster 174. If you have a minute, please take a look:



And, of course, Monster 175 awaits:

175 seems very close to a certain Earth animal,
but I’m sure appearances are deceiving.
What do you think? Do you have time to please


In other news, Paul Stone of independent bookstore The Kaleidoscope in Hampton, Iowa sent me a note: Any chance of you sharing the love with us independent booksellers instead of pushing all your online business to Amazon? [BookSense] allows people to find their nearest independent bookstore and order from them.

Good point, Paul. Being the little guy, I should definitely support the little guy, so I’ve added a button on the right that lets you search for independent bookstores in your neighborhood. Thank you for the suggestion!

I hope the day will bring you a few smiles,
and that it’ll be more of a smooth transition
from the weekend than a jarring re-entry.
Either way, you can always count
on the fact that 344 LOVES YOU


  • sue bebie
    7 April 2008 3:03 am

    What a nice pregnant little creature! Nobody can see or hear the sweet nasciturus inside her tummy. Only the graphic designers creative power in preventive prenatal diagnostic let us know about the wonder inside.

  • Aiden A.
    7 April 2008 7:59 am

    The tiny Funkerpillar has found a tasty little morsel lying on the ground. Little does she know, that the morsel is not a fly or an earwig. It is actually a tapeworm. Poor little Funkerpillar. She does not know she is harvesting a parasite.

  • Andu
    7 April 2008 11:46 am

    Carefully, the soon-to-be father swam around in the peaceful water, hiding behind the seagrass not to be seen. He had a very precious freight hidden inside the bag on his abdomen and it was very important to deliver it unharmed. The creature swam to one of the thick strands of the grass, lying itself onto the plant, melting, becoming one with it. He let the fish pass that swam around and waited a bit. He was not the fastest swimmer and this was the hardest part to swim.
    One, two. One, two. His fins moved him forward as fast as he could and still it was too slow. One, two. He could feel his freight moving around. That made him worry, he had to pick up the pace a bit.
    Suddenly, a shadow appeared near him. It was a gigantic shadow, something he had never seen before. At first, he didn’t dare to look, but then the curiosity became too strong to bear. What he saw relieved him. One of the creatures above the water (how could those live anyway?) had thrown something in the water, something big and bulky and lifeless. He moved past it and almost missed the cave that was the destination of his long journey.
    Blue light from fluorescent bacteria surrounded him. Little did he knew that he had swum a hundred of kilometres – such a huge distance for such a small creature. Exhausted, he felt his eyelids becoming heavy and something crawling out of his bag.
    With eyes almost shut, the brand new father watched the little seahorse dancing around clumsily, exploring the element around him. It would stay here, he knew it. They always did.
    Then, he fell asleep.
    (In fact, the male seahorse carry out the children – but not as one would think. The female one places the fertilized eggs into the bag on the male’s abdomen and he swims around with them until they come outside. ^^)

  • 7 April 2008 3:07 pm

    Slightly smaller than a hummingbird, the murmerbird carries an egg nearly one-fourth the size of its own body. Only a web-like blur of its wings flapping can be seen here, as modern cameras aren’t sophisticated enough to capture them in focus. Life cycles are quite short for murmerbirds, lasting 344 days at most.

  • Ivy Vhgyvynuhiygui9i
    7 April 2008 3:35 pm

    “Hey chimo!” said Ivy.
    “Me?” said “the monster”.
    “HAHA you’re a chimo!!” Ivy erlo5-769;pp

  • tessy A.
    7 April 2008 3:46 pm

    Her name is Daboos. She like to play with Mr. Cowman. Cowman likes to swing. Soon the baby will get out. Then she will play with monkeys and snakes and climb trees. She will also play with Cowman. Cowman is the dad. Daboos is the mom. The baby’s name is Oliver. Oliver like to play with a dangerous toy shark named Block. Oliver likes to weds.asyytuyu7rtewwtuy

  • 7 April 2008 10:04 pm

    “And her name?”
    “A new life for us both.”
    “Happiness has come to our family.”
    “We shall call her New.”
    “It is a beautiful name.”
    “Another blessing for Atlantis.”

  • 7 April 2008 10:13 pm

    Its black skin hides his pouch quite nicely. Who would have thought that papa had such a great place for little Smilty to hide and keep warm at these deep ocean depths. It also comes in handy to store dad’s beer.

  • 8 April 2008 2:33 am

    When Gilbert has time to spare, he likes to give himself self-portrait, temporary tattoos. One might ask how he manages to do so without hands or legs. The answer is simple — he wills it to be so! You know those inspirational posters high school classrooms can’t seem to get enough of? Gilbert owns the corporation that makes them. One might ask how he managed to accomplish such a feat. The answer is, say it with me now, he willed himself to do so! Gilbert, you are and forever will be an inspiration to us all.

  • Steph
    8 April 2008 12:20 pm

    How cute…a seahorse-inspired monster! I love seahorses — they are SO peacful. It’s amazing to watch their “fins” move them so effortlessly thru the water.
    I would like to see a guinea pig-inspired monster, if inspiration lends itself to that one day. I call my piggies “beasties” (ironically, of course) since they are so NOT beast-like.

  • mellio
    9 April 2008 3:53 pm

    This is Pawnk the skypony and she has just found out about her new baby. Sky ponies have very short pregnancies (only one month) so Pawnk is seen here hurrying to fix up her home for the new one.

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