Good morning. Welcome to THE WORLD’S TALLEST MONSTER! I’m counting on you to help me make this creature grow. Everything’s fair game—ink, paint, photos, collage, twigs and branches, sequins and clay. Whatever fits into this template will work, as long as you have fun doing it.
Now, three regular monster contributors have pointed out that they would like to add to the World’s Tallest Monster, but don’t have access to Photoshop or the patience to figure out my directions, so I’ve made an alternative 8.5×11 PDF template for you.
Either way, please make sure that whatever you make ultimately ends up on the arrows, so that all the pieces fit together. If you have access to Photoshop, please fill in your name on the side. Otherwise make sure you label your file with your name, and I’ll put it in on my end.
When you’re ready, please send your files to You can send in as many segments as you like. There’s no limit. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! (Check out the new segments by Mike Pisino, who I’ve challenged to make 30 segments in 30 workdays. He asked me to give him an assignment and he’s paying the price!)
Since this is going to become an ever-expanding entry, I thought you might like to have an easily remembered permalink. So this page is now also available at Why? Because 344 LOVES YOU
TO BE CONTINUED… P.S.: If you can think of a way I can make contributing to this monster easier for you, definitely leave a comment, please! Technology should never come between us! :^)
Nice idea; I’ll see if I can think of something creative to contribute
nice work on your daily monsters; keep it up!
How very clever! I look forward to the results (as well, I shall really come up with my own contribution to such a beast).
whoopah! ohmigodohmigodohmigaaaawd this is so hilarious and fun! What a great idea……EXQUISITE!!!
This sounds like such a cool project. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.
My kids (2 and almost 5) loved your Daily Monster and as I was checking your blog this morning they wanted to see your latest. It was the “tallest monster” segment and I told them they could put their art in there too! We enjoyed a lovely 45 minutes making some segments for you. I just rescanned the templates back into the computer and have attached them here.
Sarah, Emmy, and Denali
They’re grrreat! Everyone is such a rock star.
Just doing my periodic check-in…Sam’s Bucher/Pringle Monster in a can chip rendition is AWESOME!
And I really dig Mike’s dancing wu-li monster.
Well done!
Freakin’ sweet Mike!
P.S. I always knew Bob had a secret for his longevity.
Yay! Inanimate carbon rod!!! Good job, Sam! =)
Hi. I just Past by you website. I like the site!
I think this is an interesting project, which should be made more interesting. I think you just added up something to be understood by anyone for anything, but not something to be understood in something suppose to be, except you just want to make it for fun or not important.
If I were you, then, make it as a ‘’your monster style’’ graphic note for a special thing happened everyday in my studio, people work around, or big day to be memorized…
Well, that is what I think about your contributing, maybe a better way, but not the easy way you hoped…
48% procent of all american women would date a guy that is over 7 foot tall.
So the questions is- are we giving birth to lonelyness?
Hi, Great work
U should be able to put simple animations on aswell, you know, make the legs move and stuff.
happen to came across ur stuff in the mity youtube today,, i LOVE ur stuff!! anyways.
um, about the veiwing of the tall monster..
um.. how about.. make it lay horrizontally?
put it in a thingy that will allow ppl who browse it to drag the monster left and right by their mouse instead of up and down it made me felt so dizzy!!
OR! make the whole monster swiggle around the page like a pipe! and then add links to the pictures if people want to veiw them bigger!
i think i d be cool if u create a gallery of when where and who summited the pictures!
Hi Jamie, Thank you for your comments and suggestion. I appreciate it. Unfortunately, what your suggestion goes a bit beyond what the mechanics of Typepad allow. I’m sure there’s a smart workaround to achieve some of what you’re asking for, but I’m not a web designer, so I’m definitely out of my depth there. As for laying the monster on its side — wouldn’t that make it the world’s widest monster? ;^)
oh! i have an idea! somebody can add a school bus that’s turned up on it’s end.
Who ever contributes last has to use balls. They will look nasty at the bottom of this monster.
i thought i would never get to the end of this page no wonder its the worlds tallest monster. Keep up the good work!!!
That is amazing i think that was brilliant… by the way i love llamas so u should make a llama monster…
good god man that thing is huge!
Hmmm,I wonder how he gets through doorways.
i love the way you do art! Someday, I want to be an artist like you.Im in Mrs.Joiners class now and she is soo cool to. You should really meet her some day. She is a great artist like you!!!!
omg i love the way you did the monster but i can not find out how to get to all the videos. mrs.joiner told us how to get onto the website and i wanted to see the videos soo much that i have been on here for like an hour almost!!! it is driving me crazy. by the way, i love your art!! plz help me find the videos!!:-]
mylex, you are sooo gross. i think that would be terrible. i think you are gross. two.
Wow! You are soo cool i love the way you do art! hey Mrs.Joiner told the whole class that this is her very favorite website! She said she loves coming on here!!
hey i think that you should maybe do some arms and legs. not like an object but maybe just like a line or soomething. then maybe a bigger head so that you could tell that it was supposed to be a head. ooh and maybe some lables to say like ” this is the stomach” or like how long the monster si and make a story about it to start with. that would be cool.
I wonder what the monster eats.
I want to add some of my monsters!
How can I do that?
that’s one tall monster! rawwwrrrrrr. I love it.
hello mi nombre es NATALIA espero que escribir en español no sea una molestia , vivo en ARICA,CHILE, y no podia dejar de darte las gracias por hacer esto , creatividad pura , me gusta mucho, aqui en la cola del mundo tambien hay alguien amante de la creatividad , el arte y los monstruos. chao gracias…………….
HELLO mi nombre es NATALIA ROJAS desde Arica ,CHILE, DESDE LA COLA DEL MUNDO escribo para darte las gracias admiro mucho lo que haces, creatividad pura , escpero que escribir en español no sea una molestia,
incluso en este rincon del planeta hay alguien que ama tu arte, la creatividad y los monstruos,. gracias ……………………..
SOLO escribo para darte las gracias, me encanta lo que haces , incluso aqui en la cola del mundo hay alguien que admira la creatividad, el arte y sobre todo los montruos, espero que el español no sea un problema, simplemente eso , gracias.
I have been following this monster for awhile now, here in Tucson we still remember your visit to ArtFare fondly. Last year the mural was almost replaced by the fascade improvement plan, but alas it did not happen.
It has been a wonderful piece for the tourist and visitors alike, so glad we did not lose this valuable piece of work.
Is it still the largest piece you have greated, or did we lose out to another HUGE mural elsewhere? Bragging rights etal…
as always 716
Thank you for your note, Nola. I think that the Tucson mural is, in fact, a bit bigger than the one I did in Seward, Nebraska. So yes, bragging rights are still yours. And as much as I hope that you’ll eventually get facade improvement, I’m happy that Public Speaking lives on for another day. :^)
Muchas gracias por tu mensaje tipo, Natalia. Me halaga. Por favor, perdónenme por tomar un tiempo para responder. Estoy feliz de que los monstruos tienen un amigo en Chile. Greetings from California.
this is the best monster ever and it is the biggest one to.and you should have made it bigger.
Thank you, Rajan. This was a fun experiment. It sort of ran its course. Maybe it’ll come back in some form later. I’m glad you enjoyed it! :^)
HI! I tried to send my monster to your mail twice, but seems it is not working. What can I do?