Good morning. We all live in a yellow submarine. And so does Monster 16. What’s your favorite Beatles tune? I must keep it short today, but even still… don’t you doubt it: 344 LOVES YOU


  • 4 December 2006 4:16 am

    This is one of my favorit monsters so far, such a lovely grin!
    I’m dedicating the lesser known “Drive My Car” and “Lady Madonna” to this guy.
    BTW, you’re posting at noon. Does this mean you’re going to get more sleep today?-)

  • 4 December 2006 7:05 am

    Beatle tracks aside, i think one of the best components of your daily monsters is the sound. The tonal scratches and friction of the felt tip on the paper really sound nice at such high speeds…just thought you should know.

  • Matt
    4 December 2006 9:42 am

    Eleanor Rigby. Oh yeah, the monsters are cool too

  • 4 December 2006 11:09 am

    Hello Simon. I think it has to do with Typepad running on Greenwich Mean Time. Or… wait… I think I just had AM and PM switched out. This is why they don’t let me work on the mars probes anymore. — I like “Drive My Car” and “Lady Madonna,” and “Eleanor Rigby,” too, of course. But also “Don’t Let Me Down” and “Paperback Writer” lately.
    Young Mr. Arvizu, thank you! I like the sounds, too. A friend described it as the fluttering of insect wings.

  • melissa
    4 December 2006 1:40 pm

    Hi Stefan. The Daily Monster posts have been sooooo great. It’s one way I get a daily smile! I love this little guy. A fav Beatles tune of mine is Rocky Raccoon. 🙂

  • 4 December 2006 3:52 pm

    Hi Melissa. Yes, indeed… “Rocky Racoon” is an oft-overlooked gem. And… you know… everybody makes fun of Ringo, but I like “Octopus’s Garden,” though not as much as “Good Night.”

  • sue bebie
    7 April 2008 1:26 am

    Ausschlaggebend für die Wahl zur Miss Pferdekopf, war nicht allein das wunderschöne Lachen, sondern auch das enizigartige Zusammenspiel von Farbe und Form der lilafarbenen hochhakigen Schuhe und der lollipopgleichen Augen.

  • Rikin8r
    27 January 2009 4:44 pm

    I’d say my favourite song is “Got to Get You Into My Life”.
    By the way, did anybody notice a similarity between this particular monster and those whales in the animated Yellow Submarine movie? You know, from the “Sea of Monsters” part of the movie, where they find a school of whales?

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