Good morning. Hey! We made it to the weekend once again! Not that the work ever stops, of course. Hey… you know how the TV networks pack their Saturday night schedule with reruns, because they think nobody’s watching? And because of that it ends up that nobody is watching? (And Schrödinger’s cat is alive and well?) Well, that’s not how it works here at the Daily Monster. It’s Saturday and I have a brand new monster for you. In fact, this one of my favorite monsters so far. I hope you’ll like it, too. If you had to put this one in a screenplay, what would the movie be called? Who else would star in it?

I hope you’ll have a great weekend! Maybe get in some early-ish holiday shopping and beat some of the crowds. Above all, don’t forget that 344 LOVES YOU


  • 2 December 2006 4:48 am

    Are you selling these drawings? I like them.

  • 2 December 2006 5:53 am

    Looks like he should audition for “Coneheads”. No, wait, that role was already taken by Dan Aykroyd …

  • 2 December 2006 10:56 am

    I can always get Baby Sophie to smile and giggle if I turn on one of your monster videos. I don’t think that the 7-month-old set was your intended audience, but she loves her some monsters.

  • 2 December 2006 11:27 am

    Thank you so much for these fabulous offerings. I’m loving watching the mosters come to life!

  • 2 December 2006 11:38 am

    Wow, amazing. Your way of drawing the monsters is very unique. I hope that your site has success.

  • Justin
    2 December 2006 11:40 am

    I’d call the script “Attack of the Killer Hairdo.” First thing that came to mind…

  • Michael
    2 December 2006 12:36 pm

    I think the movie would be called “The Isle of Weeping Willows” and would co-star Sally Field, Mary Stuart Masterson and Rupert Everett. It would usually air on the We channel on Saturday afternoons when they think no one is watching.

  • 2 December 2006 1:11 pm

    Hi Jen. Little Sophie is a darling and I’m happy that I got to make her smile by remote control. May the monsters be her inky protectors.
    Justin, I dig the idea of the “Attack if the Killer Hairdo.” Nice work!
    Michael, what would be the plot of “Isle of the Weeping Willows”?
    is this creature a boh monster? Or the deformed butler? “Fetch me my frock, Squidington!” “Right away, sir.”
    Brooklyn Kitchen, it looks like I might do an online gallery show with the original drawings at artforemptywalls.com in the new year. I’m also going to start my own online store in the spring, so I might put them on the block there. When I decide I”m definitely going to post the information here on the site.
    Have a great Saturday, everybody! And keep sending in movie ideas. You guys come up with great titles.

  • 2 December 2006 2:33 pm

    i once saw a show about how the japanese had invested A LOT into the music country scene before it went big. and since this one reminds be of Lyle Lovett, it’ll be…
    …a documentary about country singers trying to cross over to the japanese market. and this would be the scene where lovett dresses up like a ninja before going out on stage. and the name of the documentary would be…lovett or leaveit. ahahahahahaha. this sounds terrible…

  • Michael
    3 December 2006 10:54 am

    Some detail on “The Isle of Weeping Willows”
    The whole thing takes place on The Isle of Man (in the middle of the British Isles). Rupert Everett (in old-age makeup) plays Roger Weathergill and is married to Sally Field’s character, Eleanor Weathergill. They are now in their 60s, and Eleanor is dying. The majority of the narrative is told in flashbacks to when they met on the launch voyage of the Queen Elizabeth 2 in 1967, where their younger selves are played by Mary Stuart Masterson and Moster 14, respectively. Going back and forth, the plot brings us back to the present, and we learn how their once impermeable bond has deteriorated over the years. In the end, we learn that Eleanor isn’t really dying, rather it’s their love for one another. And there’s a surprise ending!

  • EM
    6 December 2006 11:03 pm

    One word…

  • Pete
    14 December 2006 9:17 pm

    Alfred E.Neuman Meets the Cyclops
    SORT of like Abbott and Costello Meet The Wolfman, with it’s line-up of Universal monsters, all in the one movie)
    The MAD Magazine ‘mascot’ take a hiatus from the cover of the magazine, to a tropical, and mysteriously deserted island, and encounters the REAL versions of Don Martins cartoons.. with cameos by assorted characters from Merry Melodies, and varied Hanna Barbera cartoons.
    Also starring Tom Waits,(with a soundtrack by him,also),and Sandra Bernhardt
    Sorry . No plotline yet, but Sandra Bernhardt as the heroine/victim stikes me as kind of giddily ironic.

  • sue bebie
    7 April 2008 12:57 am

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