Good morning. Thank you for all of yesterday’s great comments. Very nice suggestions everybody. Sam Berkes took the early lead with “Floogle-Flawn, the floss salesman.” We then saw a mighty fine rally from the cartography department at Rand-McNally. I also enjoyed the drainage de-weeder and the rocksteady “accountant” entry. (It’s the tie, isn’t it?)

Number 13 here appears to be a bit of a party monster. He certainly looks like an enthusiastic host. What are the top five songs on his Holiday Party Playlist, do you think? (Come on now: I’m counting on all of you at HoustonBeats.com)

See you again tomorrow for Monster 14. Until then, go celebrate the 1st day of December with a glass of eggnog and remember 344 LOVES YOU


  • 1 December 2006 6:35 am

    Uuuaaahhh, it looks like my boss!

  • 1 December 2006 7:04 am

    1. On My Way Home – Three
    2. Where’s Max – 3
    3. Over And Over – Three Days Grace
    4. Darwin – Third Eye Blind
    5. The Sun Is Shining – Third Day

  • 1 December 2006 11:52 am

    Brooke! Brilliant! Very nice! Many thanks!

  • 1 December 2006 2:30 pm

    I like how he sort of curtseys. He is indeed polite, if a little over enthusiastic.
    Great work 🙂 I check it daily now!

  • 1 December 2006 4:46 pm

    I like the addition of the colors.
    and the right side of your bio picture is awesome.

  • 1 December 2006 7:15 pm

    Adding to Brooke’s list: Joy To The World by Three Dog Night.

  • 1 December 2006 8:07 pm

    Sam: I would’ve also accepted “Eli’s Coming” by Three Dog Night, but I like the bullfrog angle. We might add “1-2-3” by the Miami Sound Machine, or the obscure but lovely “3:00 AM Blues” by the Dick Hyman Group feat. Howard Alden. Brooke Nelson really set us on the right path here. Thank you, Brooke!

  • 1 December 2006 10:37 pm

    A little life aquatic sneaks on the list…
    Here’s to you – Joan Baez
    30 Century Man – Scott Walker
    Life on Mars – Sue Jorge

  • 1 December 2006 11:05 pm

    i had my music playing as i was viewing this. definitely not evergreen by the fiery furnaces.
    i request a sad monster. you know, the misunderstood one. the one who could be frankenstein’s side kick.

  • 1 December 2006 11:49 pm

    Very nice tracks, nedward! And sus… I’ll try to coax out a sad, misunderstood monster, but they’re shy. They don’t come out on cue.

  • sue bebie
    6 April 2008 8:48 am

    …Aus den wendigen Windungen des genialen Monstermachergehirns…
    Unbegrenzte Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Küche, Bad, WC und…
    Geeignet als überaus effektiver Sahnequirl, als WC-Schüsselrotationsreiniger, Hochfrequenz-Milbensuchgerät, Schmuck im Gulli Finder usw.
    Twister ist auch sehr empfehlenswert zur Wiederbelebung des Kreativitätsflusses im eigenen Gehirn.
    Während des Gebrauchs ist das Tragen der beiliegenden Schutzbrille dringend empfohlen. Jegliche Haftung bei Verletzungen und Beschmutzungen durch unsachgemässen Gebrauch wird abgelehnt.

  • 30 June 2008 8:20 pm

    Huh, it has colour. XP *pokes monster*

  • james
    19 October 2008 9:57 pm

    i see this guy playing Cotton Eye Joe a lot at his parties… and Jump Around…

  • james
    19 October 2008 10:00 pm

    OH! and a lot of Hobo Humpin’ Slobo Babe by Whale too! if you dunno that song, acquaint yourself w/ it on youtube… NAO!

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