Good afternoon. As you know, I taught three drawing workshops at AIGA Design Ranch in Texas this past weekend. The assignment was as follows:
Join designer/illustrator Stefan Bucher for two hours of zen drawing. We’ll give you a poster sized pad of paper and some really nice pens and ask you to show something that’s important to you by putting it on paper 100 times. Maybe it’s 100 different things that center around a single idea or feeling. Maybe it’s 100 iterations of the same thing. 100 coffee cups. 100 naked ladies. 100 delete keys. 100 things on your desk. 100 things on your mind. 100 words starting with un-. Please join us and bare a little piece of your soul on paper at this fun, relaxing workshop.
Please check out all the cool work people came up with in this photo gallery. The final piece in the gallery is mine… 38 new little monsters. I didn’t finish my own assignment! But I will. Stay tuned for the full 100 in the fulness of time.
A big THANK YOU to everybody who came to the workshops. I had a great time! For now, even though I’m still incomplete, you can rest assured that 344 LOVES YOU
Welcome back, Stefan! Great job—I can’t wait to see the rest of your wonderful monsters!!!
Big smiles,
Emily =)
Got monsters on your mind, do you? It’s interesting to see them in white. I like them way better in black.
Hello Inanna. Yes, I prefer them in black, too. Once you go, and all that. :^) But it’s an interesting exercise to do them as outlines, too.
everyone’s drawings are so neat! what a nice glimpse into what’s important to everyone!
A very interesting experiment, and fun to look at!
These are great. I loved looking at everyone’s one hundreds and how people arranged elements on their pages. My favorites are Terry’s, yours, and this gals in picture 02657. She’s wearing a red top and the picture is near the beginning. I wish we could see a scan of hers and Terry’s too! Lots going on in there!
hi Stefan, I’m a lurker of your site 😛 i like everyone’s work here and i thought it’s a neat idea, so i tried it out too.. and here’s what i got:
just thought that i’d let you know.. and thanks, it’s a fun exercise 🙂