Good morning. How are you? I hope you had a good weekend and that your Monday wasn’t too jarring. I just filmed a new Weekly Monster and posted it to the Revver server. Once they give it their green light, I’ll post it here.
It’s a strange one. I think you’ll like it.
In the meantime, I’ve got three brand new store344 products for you. Please take a look at these buttons. This first one came out of a conversation I had with Ze Frank at the AIGA Fresh Dialogue event in New York.
He called me a control freak and I replied.
A few weeks ago I attended an AIGA event here in Los Angeles. During a panel discussion somebody asked a question of a prominent local designer. She said “Well, I think I speak for everyone here… ” then drifted into a long Shatneresque pause that must’ve lasted 15 seconds. I thought. “No! Surely that’s not her actual answer!” Eventually she did snap out of it and went ahead with an answer, but the line stuck.
I felt compelled to make it into a button.
Lastly, there had to be a monster button, and here it is. I hope you like it.
You can buy all three buttons together as a set for $6 (including tax and shipping),
or you can get 10-packs of each motif for $15 if you want to spread the love.
Either way, you’ll find the buttons at this link.
Why? Because 344 LOVES YOU
Hi Stefan,
Good morning! I just placed my order for those buttons! It was the control enthusiast one that won me over. Are you going to come out w/ another one that says “you’re only as smart as you are”? 😉
I think I speak for everyone here when I say, great new buttons! One of my design professors in college used to say, “Practice safe design, use a concept.” I always thought it would look good on a button. Off to!
Emily, yes, I’ll have to make that “You’re only as smart as you are” button in the next round. It’ll have to come with a 3″ diameter button full of 5pt type to explain what I actually meant by that. :^)