Good afternoon. The solstice-adjacent sun still mercifully high in the California sky at 7PM, and I thought I’d show you the latest Monster expansion. I just received a sheaf of photos from Belgian friend of the Monsters Luc Debaisieux at JWT Group Belgium (J Walter Thompson) in Brussels. Luc runs a program that turns the agency’s historic building — the 1908 Maison Delune on Avenue Franklin Roosevelt — into a gallery for a young artist for one year at a time. This year it’s the Monsters’ turn.
You may recognize a lot of these Monsters from the Open Source Monsters series, and from the Send A Monster Facebook app, but the biggest of the pieces contains a new Monster I brought out especially for the Maison. I’ll add that at the end. For now, my great thanks to Luc for his endless energy in making this happen, and to his JWT colleague art director Sebastien Verliefde, whom you may remember from his stellar additions to the Open Source Monsters. You can see some of them in the bottom row, center frame. And here.
More Monsters are on the way, but even now
I hope you’ll get the idea that 344 LOVES YOU
Who thought in the past that the Maison Delune would be invaded by Monsters…?? I sure didn’t!! ^^
But it’s so great to have them here, and thank you very much for the one you made especially for us!! He’s * splendid *
Take care, et a bientot! 😉
This monsters are so cute :))) really good job :)) make be you can make some movie with them :)) why you don’t think about it?
Wow, wow, wow! Are these paintings, done by you, done by Chinese slave labor, or done by some other alien process?
These creatures are awesome. After watching one of your videos I want to try painting with a tooth brush. It makes great hair.
They are done by the magic of Belgian inkjet printers. :^) I wish I could get into doing lots of paintings like this, but somebody’s gotta draw and design and occasionally eat. :^)
Thank you SO much for your help making this happen. Our building now definitely looks extra-ordinary thanks to your Monster friends. We are continuously getting fantastic comments from our visitors. Wish you could come to see this live. O)
It was my pleasure, Luc. Thank you for inviting me, and for giving it so much of your energy and dedication. I love the results. And yeah… I wish I could come check it out in person.
I have a feeling that these monsters were a very happy accident. Stefan; What a lightbulb moment that must have been!!
Are you still doing these Monsters? Would you ever consider coming to Philadelphia?
Hi Tommy, please forgive me for the long delayed response: Yes, a Monster appeared on my arm as I was driving and I thought I’d draw it. It all went from there. :^)
Hello there, J.Thunders. My apologies for the molasses slow answer, but yes, I’m still doing the Monsters, but sporadically now, and often in different formats. And I feel like I’ve been to Philadelphia. No… sorry… Pittsburgh. Twice, though, for AIGA and Carnegie Mellon.