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If you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
You can click on the drawing for a bigger view.
If you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
He does have trust issues! This poor dude just wants people to leave his hair alone! It took him hours primping & moussing to perfect the look – that and a whole can of hair spray. And everyone wants to touch it! Gah! What’s a monster to do?
Somehow Mr. Artist there has managed to freeze me in time. At least I was frozen with the appropriate expression so he knows that I am NOT HAPPY he is about to “shade in” my teeth. NO SIR, NOT HAPPY. I just had them cleaned too.
What about you little man? You gonna help me or just stand there an watch? Are you amused? Do you care? Oh yeah, I bet you can’t hear what I am thinking. Sigh.
Boy, don't I know what that's like! Poor little guy. I just wanted to
So this is the Monster version of the end of X-Men first class? And I'm
Magneto? That's kinda excellent! Ha! Sweet! :^D
Stand back or I will fart.
Oh, I'm standing well back! Thank you for the warning. :^)
If I have to say the alphabet backwards, I’m screwed.