10 April 2015MONSTERS ON VID.ME PreviousNext The Monsters are now finding a new home on vid.me! DAILY MONSTER More Posts Like This One DAILY MONSTER 64 20 January 2007 DAILY MONSTER 185 (of 200) 17 April 2008 DAILY MONSTER 142 9 February 2008 2 Comments judith westerfield11 April 2015 4:23 pmSefan! You take those heavy boots off him right now so he can get off the ground and fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply Stefan G. Bucher11 April 2015 5:08 pmThey’re Nike “Air Monsters.” They actually help him stay aloft, what with the helium heels and whatnot. ReplyLeave A Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Sefan! You take those heavy boots off him right now so he can get off the ground and fly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They’re Nike “Air Monsters.” They actually help him stay aloft, what with the helium heels and whatnot.