20 August 2014DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 273 PreviousNext What in the world does a Monster need with a halberd?! What’s he guarding? THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS More Posts Like This One THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 106 12 June 2010 THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 199 30 December 2011 DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 220 28 January 2013 1 Comment judith westerfield20 August 2014 2:01 pmMonster is guarding his expensive designer wardrobe of 4 legged Armani pants and 4 sleeved Dolce & Gabbana shirts from the likes of the Fashion Police. ReplyLeave A Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Monster is guarding his expensive designer wardrobe of 4 legged Armani pants and 4 sleeved Dolce & Gabbana shirts from the likes of the Fashion Police.