20 December 2012DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 215 PreviousNext THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS More Posts Like This One DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 206 8 June 2012 DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 222 30 January 2013 LYNDA.COM MONSTER 07 14 January 2011 2 Comments Eric Lay20 December 2012 7:43 amSometimes you have to smile until it hurts. Reply Stefan G. Bucher20 December 2012 2:37 pmSome major orthodonture in that guy's future, Eric! :^D ReplyLeave A Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Sometimes you have to smile until it hurts.
Some major orthodonture in that guy's future, Eric! :^D