19 December 2012DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 214 PreviousNext THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS More Posts Like This One DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 320 21 October 2014 THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 139 31 May 2011 DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 239 26 November 2013 2 Comments littlefluffycat19 December 2012 5:44 am“I SEE YOU WHEN YOU’RE SLEEPING!” Maurice bellowed, his belly shaking like a bowl of jelly. “I KNOW WHEN YOU’RE AWAKE!” People were still running. Maybe, he considered, it was time to work on his ho-ho-hos. Reply Stefan G. Bucher19 December 2012 2:08 pmHa! The most needily threatening wannabe Santa ever! Brilliant! I love that! Thank you, Lydia! ReplyLeave A Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
“I SEE YOU WHEN YOU’RE SLEEPING!” Maurice bellowed, his belly shaking like a bowl of jelly. “I KNOW WHEN YOU’RE AWAKE!”
People were still running. Maybe, he considered, it was time to work on his ho-ho-hos.
Ha! The most needily threatening wannabe Santa ever! Brilliant! I love that! Thank you, Lydia!