He ain’t got nuthin’ to do with basketball, neither. Some nights it just gets to the point where all you can do is make a monster. Still, the fact remains unchanged: 344 LOVES YOU
He ain’t got nuthin’ to do with basketball, neither. Some nights it just gets to the point where all you can do is make a monster. Still, the fact remains unchanged: 344 LOVES YOU
That’s awesome! Keep up the monsters!
Thank you very much, A.A.W.! I'm glad you like the Monsters! :^)
Are you going to draw a third 100 Daily Monster Papers? I hope you do 😀
You know… I can't imagine that I won't. Right now I'm putting most of my time into upgrading the iPhone/iPad app (and into a few big secret projects), but I miss making the daily drawings.
I tried going to tallestmonster.com, but it says the domain expired. 🙁
It's true. I'm sorry. Austerity measures, you see. I'll reinstate it soon. For right now, here's the direct link: http://www.dailymonster.com/344_loves_you/2007/04/the_worlds_tall.html
Travis is dancing to “Stayin’ Alive” after seeing the teams he picked to win move into the Elite Eight. He shouldn’t have chewed so stridently on his tongue though. It makes it harder to talk trash to the other monsters he’s thrashing in the brackets.
Ith gotta be the mother of all lithpth.