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If you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
You can click on the drawing for a bigger view.
If you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
Without a sliver of doubt, he is in show business…
He heads the accounting department at the Folies Bergère. :^)
Good day to you all and what do you say?
Do you want to come out for a shout Saturday?
Now come on down for a show to remember.
Four shows here next month starting December.
Give a shout give a howl and watch with amazement.
For the show of all shows being held in a tent.
Come one, come all, come big and come small.
No odd shape restricted who answer the call.
What’s the show you ask? Don’t care for my shouting?
Well don’t you come then, I’ll be over here pouting.
Who needs a hug?