18 January 2011LYNDA.COM MONSTER 11 PreviousNext THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS More Posts Like This One DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 273 20 August 2014 THE DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 121 27 June 2010 DAILY MONSTER PAPERS 328 31 October 2014 4 Comments Inanna18 January 2011 9:01 amIncoming! Incoming! Reply Stefan G. Bucher18 January 2011 12:55 pmYou are prophetic, Annie. :^) You'll see. Reply FAHMY1 February 2011 7:17 pmyou are so amazing I try this at home and it looked awesome…….i wish you are my art teacher! Reply Stefan G. Bucher1 February 2011 10:47 pmThank you for taking the time to write me a note, Fahmy! I appreciate it. And I'm excited that you made some Monsters of your own! Excellent!!! Come to California and study at Art Center, and maybe by that time I'll be teaching again. :^) ReplyLeave A Comment Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Δ
Incoming! Incoming!
You are prophetic, Annie. :^) You'll see.
you are so amazing I try this at home and it looked awesome…….i wish you are my art teacher!
Thank you for taking the time to write me a note, Fahmy! I appreciate it.
And I'm excited that you made some Monsters of your own! Excellent!!!
Come to California and study at Art Center, and maybe by that time I'll be
teaching again. :^)