Good afternoon! How are you? What’s new? Sheesh, it’s been so long between posts again. I apologize. I’m working harder right now than I’ve ever have, but I’m not allowed to show you any of the results. Yet. Which is frustrating, but temporary. (Lots of new work coming your way soon, in other words!)
Happily, I just did a favor for my friends at 826LA — owners and proprietors of the Echo Park Time Travel Mart — that I CAN post for you. It’s the announcement for their upcoming fundraiser JUDD APATOW presents I FOUND THIS FUNNY — An Evening of Music & Comedy to Benefit 826LA, featuring special guest appearances by Lindsey Buckingham, Josh Homme, Garry Shandling, and many more surprise guests!
It’s not often that I get to do a piece that unites so many of my personal favorites. And this is just today’s version! As the poster says, there are even more surprise guests we’ll be adding between now and October 29th! There will also be an extra tricked out print version of this thing once we have all our stars lined up.
But for right now, something NEW from me to you! Finally!
Because you damn well know that 344 LOVES YOU
Not exactly the hottest new performers around are they? *S* I didn’t even realize Lindsey was still performing.
Glad to see you have more work than you can handle in this economy. You’re gonna vote in the mid-terms, I hope.
Habe you seen Lindsey play live lately? He’s AMAZING! I don’t care how old he is. And Garry Shandling is a genius. “It’s Garry Shandling’s Show” and “Larry Sanders” are meta masterpieces! And Josh Homme strikes me as pretty damn cool, too.
Am I voting in the midterms? You better believe it! I’m making donations, too.
For a short while Hulu had all the episodes of “Larry Sanders” up and it gave me a chance to see Shandling’s brilliance. The episodes where Hank is trying to open his restaurant are some of the funniest moments I have ever seen on TV. Oh Jeffrey Tambor, I love you.
Oh Lord, yes! Hank’s Look Around Café! It’s just so utterly tragic. Yes, you gotta give it up for Jeffrey Tambor.