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And if you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
I mean, I like dressing up. However even I wouldn’t wear a ball gown and pink stilettos to go fishing.
Has she got a crush on one of the fellow fishermen and wants to get his attention?
It’s also very impressive how she colour coordinated her hair, shoes and beak with the fishing rod.
Why it’s Felicia, from Fandango Lakes Florida. Fresh from the Fifth Annual Fandango Lakes Father’s Day Fishing Derby (they don’t make a sash for that one). She is the Fishin’ Fairy, attending to ensure that all the good little boys and girls catch fun and fabulous fish on Father’s Day. Judging by the curls in the topknot and the look on her face, this year’s festival was a full-on success.
Oh, WOW! I just love her! *S*
Off fishing in f***-me shoes…….those monsters really know how to do sports, don’t they?
I see her hair as fish hooks – if she went for a swim she could catch a whole bunch at once.
She really does looked pleased with herself, doesn’t she?
I don’t know who she is but I would like to borrow the outfit for the next Gong Show in February.
Oh, she’s clearly not messing around on the color coordination. Whatever her intent, I hope she lands the catch she’s looking for. :^)
Ah, the Fishin’ Fairy! Yes indeed! I see that now! I like it! :^D
She’s stylin’, she’s got the bait all set. I’d be lookin’ pleased, too. :^D
A teddy for Lenny? I’ll set that aside for you, if she ever takes it off. :^D