You can click on the drawing for a bigger view,
or click on the following links to download the Monster
as a wallpaper for your iPhone or iPad.
And if you have a theory about this Monster,
please post a comment below! I’m looking forward
to your thoughts!
Aerodynamics be damned, I WILL fly, and will look damn good doing it. It’s just that first step that is hard to get passed. He looks like he is daring us to come with him.
Most definitely! It’s step aerobics with a serious gravity assist. :^D
I suppose this little fellow can only eat tiny flies?
I can’t see him swallow a big piece of rump steak.
Or does he purely survive on Slim Fast shakes?
This monster is too proud, is like he is saying: one step off, I could do it with the other leg too, can you? 🙂
He is quite svelte, isn’t he? But you never know… his neck might expand, and he’s got an awfully big beak. If I were a water buffalo, I’d be careful. He’s got that mad gleam in his eye. :^)
He’s double-bird-daring us?! What a rascal! :^D
this poor little fellow is going to fall over! Someone save him.
Well, he IS still a bird. He’ll be OK. :^)
Laugh one more time and I’ll do it! Oh wait that makes no sense at all. :{ Oops