Good morning. How are you? I hope you’re not too put out by the end of Daylight Savings Time. I just wanted to post a few new things for you, chief among them the link to an interview I did with Thomas James for his excellent podcast Escape From Illustration Island.
My bit starts just shy of 10 minutes in (if you want to cheat and skip ahead). We’re also giving away a signed copy of The Graphic Eye. You can get all the details about that right here.
In other news, I’m gearing up for the CTN Animation Expo in Burbank from Nov. 20th to the 22nd. If you’re in the L.A. area, come check it out. From the looks of it, it’ll be a chance to hobnob with some pretty spectacular people. I’m excited to see who I’ll meet.
Lastly, I wanted to show you two drawings by Brandon Bass made in my Monster workshop at the AIGA Make/Think conference in Memphis a few weeks back. I just think they’re very cool. You can see more drawings on Flickr.
More things are in the works. Always.
For now, I hope you remember that 344 LOVES YOU