Good morning. After springing Pittsburgh on you at the last minute I wanted to give you a little bit more warning on my upcoming talk in Washington D.C. The Art Directors Club of Metropolitan Washington is hosting me at the United States Navy Memorial on February 19th. If you’d like to come see me, you can sign up here.
And a little bit from the back of the poster:
If you like, you can download a PDF of the complete poster by clicking here: Download the 344 ADCMW Poster
Photographer and installation artist Stephen Berkman was very kind to capture my likeness for this poster in the early hours of January 29, 2009, stealing part of my soul using a wet-collodion process.
About the photographer: Stephen Berkman’s work revolves around the use of antiquated photographic and optical processes. In his photography, he utilizes the historic wet-collodion process of exposing images onto glass and tin plates. Berkman’s work has appeared in the feature films Cold Mountain, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, and The Fall. Most recently he created the images for the Racounteurs album Consolers of the Lonely. You can see more of his work at stephenberkman.com
I hope you’ll check out Stephen’s amazing work, and if you’re in the D.C. area, I hope you’ll come see me on the 19th. In the meantime, I hope you’ll know that 344 LOVES YOU
dammit, I was so longing to get the wonderful old photographic look your portrait has and was hoping it was achieved with modern means! Boo hoo.
There’s noting so stirring as what the early imaging equipment can do.
You are so lucky to have that image of yourself. Lucky ducky.
344 foam fingers‽ Such a thing has never existed.