Good evening. How are you? I’m not going to attempt to give any in-depth account of my first day at Comic-Con as my brain is still reeling from the sheer volume of the crowd. But at the very least I wanted to show you a picture of the Impact both, in case you’re at the Con and want to visit. It’s #1415 and it looks like this:
The yellow arrow indicates the position of the Monster Book. Below is the nook where I’ll be signing books tomorrow from 11:30AM until 1PM, Friday at the same time, and Saturday from 12:30 until 2PM. (I just found out about tomorrow’s signing, so it’s an extra. And of course, there’s the Subtext signing tomorrow (Thursday night), which isn’t part of Comic-Con, so you can check it out sans badge.
I hope we’ll get a chance to say Hi between now and Saturday.
Greetings from deepest San Diego! 344 LOVES YOU
Hi Stefan. You have a review over at Sell More Art Online…
That cute ole guy with the white hair wouldn’t look so relaxed and happy if he’d just turn around……*L*
There’s a Monster on his tail!