Good afternoon. How are you? I hope the week is treating you well so far. I just wanted to give you a quick update on the Monsters at Comic-Con.

There’s lots going on: I’ll be signing copies of the Monster Book at the Impact Books booth (#1415) on Friday the 25th from 11:30 A.M. until 1 P.M., and on Saturday from 12:30 P.M. to 2 P.M. I’ll have the Big Guy with me, so we can all get our photo taken together.

If you don’t want to brave Comic-Con itself, I’m doing another signing at Subtext in downtown San Diego on Thursday night from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. The address is

680 West Beech Street, No.1
San Diego, California 92101

619 876 0664

I’m told that one mustn’t show up at Comic-Con without swag. To that end I’ve just put in a last minute emergency order for buttons. This one will be 3″ in diameter. Please take a look. I hope you’ll like it.


Lastly, I finally put up a dedicated Monster page on Facebook.
If you’d like to declare publicly that you’re a fan of the Monsters,
this is the link for you.

For now, I hope that you’re enjoying your day,
and that good things are coming your way.
Please keep in mind that 344 LOVES YOU


  • 18 July 2008 1:40 pm

    Cool buttons. Too bad you couldn’t get booth #0344 though. Have fun at Comic-Con. Hope you sell lots of monster books!

  • 19 July 2008 7:04 pm

    Brilliant button!! You must save me one!

  • 20 July 2008 8:53 pm

    Thanks for stopping by my site…I saw you speak at the Y conference a couple of years ago, and you were very inspirational! Love the work you do , and will most likely see you at Subtext for the book signing! Thanks for stopping by, and please check back often 🙂

  • 22 July 2008 7:17 am

    Ah to be in San Diego now that nasty hot smothering muggy summer is here. . . don’t forget to go bark at a sea lion! 🙂 PennyDreadful’s right, brilliant button!

  • Sophia
    23 July 2008 3:55 pm

    This button is really cool i wish i had one and if i did i would where it everywhere!

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