Good evening. How are you? I’m preparing Monster 132 for you right now, but that’s still got a few hours to go. In the meantime, I thought I’d share the first three advance reviews of the Monster Book with you.
First off, Whitney Matheson wrote a very kind and lovely review on her POP CANDY blog on the USA Today site a few days ago. You can check it out by clicking here.
The ever-excellent Alissa Walker (of UnBeige) and my brilliant friends at STEP Magazine gave the monsters a full-page shout-out in the current issue. You can click on the images to get a legible version.
The monsters also make an appearance in this month’s issue of Los Angeles Magazine in a Buzz Cut review by the fabulous Robert Ito that features an implicit shout out to monster writers Brooke N., Sam B, and Rob C. Again, you can click on the images to get a legible version.
It’s so exciting to see the monsters start seeping out into the wider world this way! I can’t wait for you guys to get your hands on the book! I really hope I did you proud. Because you gotta know that 344 LOVES YOU
I keep getting this feeling that I’ve been part of something bigger than the sum of its parts.
My guess is there is a monster that feels this way too. I gotta find it.
Hi mogabog! Yeah, I know what you mean… :^D
I hope you find that monster. Maybe it’s one of the next 69.
Or 68. 132 is going live later today.
Exciting, exciting. Getting very exciting.
Congratulations, Stefan! That’s kickass.
The part in the “Buzz Cut” review that says we have too much time on our hands really sums it up!
Yeah… I noticed that, too, and groaned a bit. Please don’t take offense. I’ve since met Robert and he loves the whole Daily Monster community. I think it was meant with a big, loving wink.
It’s really happening, Stefan. The peaks at the book look fantastic and you’re just plain awesome!
Best. Dream. Ever.