Good evening. How are you? I hope the holiday madness is beginning to settle into more of a holiday coziness. If you’re a giver of gifts, I hope they’re all wrapped and/or mailed, and that you can finally take a breath. So it is with me over here at Monster Headquarters. I’m skipping the festivities myself, but those who are getting gifts from me are taken care of. Except for you, of course.
Over the past two months I’ve been shamefully remiss in keeping up with the Open Source Monsters. Emily, Tiffany, and James sent beautiful new monsters well over a month ago, and as you’ll see the Watkins Clan is poised to become for the monsters what the Carter Family were to country music. Well, now that things are a bit calmer around here I finally had the chance to format all the monsters for display, and to catch up on a few of my own.
I also have a new Open Source Ink Blot for you. So if you’re in need of a little escape from your yuletide obligations, you can go to town with this PDF right here.
I can’t wait to see what you come up with! If you haven’t made a monster of your own yet, maybe the slow days between the holidays are the perfect time to get in on the action. Here’s how it works:
Download OPEN SOURCE INK BLOT 22, print it out, and have at it in any way you like: Draw, paint, origami, film, sculpt, write an orchestral score for it. Just scan, photograph, or otherwise document the result and send it my way at and I’ll put the result on the blog right here. If you can, please make your file 480 pixels wide. If you can’t, don’t worry about it.
I’ll resize it for you.
Here are some drawings that should give you plenty of inspiration:
Here are my own versions of Open Source Blots 7, 17, 19, 20, and 21. I already did No.19 a while back, but it slipped my mind, so I did it again. Luckily, it turned out completely different from the first time. See what you think:
Lastly, art student Chris Comper asked me if he could make a few of his own monsters for a school assignment. Who am I to say No? Take a look at the cool monsters he came up with:
HAPPY HOLIDAYS everybody! Have yourself a really good one! And don’t forget to check back in on Wednesday. I’m cooking up a special Year End Edition of the Weekly Monster for you. Why? Do you still have to ask? Because 344 LOVES YOU
Sort of a western theme going on here today. What great open sourceters!
Shame on you Daddy Monster for keeping those all to yourself for so long. 🙁
Merry, Merry – and to all a good monster night……
holy shizz!! my names thomas watkins 2|!! and my vid is on here. im ‘zebra1700’!!! holy jebuz!!! thats INSANE!!!!!!
Ha! The Thomas Watkinsses are taking over!
This bodes well for 2OO8!
Happy New Year, Thomas!
This is wonderful… I love it! Dark yet light in moods