Good morning. How are you? I hope the week has been good to you so far. I’ve got all kinds of cool Open Source Monsters waiting in the cue for you, and some choice Tallest Monster segments, too. But that will have to wait for a little bit longer. Right now, I am happy to give you a brand new Weekly Monster:

As you can see, this one didn’t want to come right out. It took a bit of coaxing, and tried to throw me with some fake-outs. But in the end the little fiend revealed himself after all. What do you think his story is? I can’t wait to read your thoughts and comments! Why? Because 344 LOVES YOU


  • Charlotte
    19 September 2007 5:58 am

    Unfortunately, I don’t have a story. I did want to say that this was my favorite monster in quite a long time. You constantly surprised me with where the drawing was going. I absolutely loved it. Thank you for continuing the site after you finished the initial 100!

  • 19 September 2007 6:10 am

    I agree. My mind went in a whole bunch of different directions. For a while there, I thot I’d have a story about all the light standards along the freeway….*S*..but NO.
    Well, now I have to think a little more. I can imagine the probs you were having in real time.

  • 19 September 2007 6:10 am

    Doeth my thounge look thfunny tho you?

  • 19 September 2007 9:31 am

    It looks like the Mooninites flew across the screen at around minute 1:39. I think they were smoking and shooting the bird too.

  • heathers
    20 September 2007 7:41 am

    I believe in the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!

  • 22 September 2007 10:34 am

    That’s so clear! He… or she… or it! have been eating a pineapple and now its tongue is irritated! Can’t close its mouth!

  • 26 September 2007 6:57 am

    Having long lost his pesky arms and legs in the now famous “Penny Fiasco,” Cuthbert R. Remonstrator now finds his ability to slither quite liberating.

  • Sue Bebie
    30 May 2008 2:11 am

    Uuuhhh!!! Wahnsinn!
    Im Testlabor für Humangenetik, wurden Spermien in hochkonzentrierte Eiweisslösung eingelegt in der zuvor Grössenwachstumsgene geklont worden waren.
    Wegen der, durch die enormen Ausmasse, der Gefrässigkeit und des Gewichts eingeschränkten Beweglichkeit, sind die Einpflanzungsversuche beim Menschen zwar gelungen, mussten aber wegen des erhöhten Verletzungsrisikos der Versuchsperson wieder abgebrochen werden.
    Versuche mit Walen und Elefanten sind in Planung. Zuvor müssen aber die Gene, die beim Monsterspermium das Zahnwachstum veranlasst hatten noch eliminiert werden. Und dann steht den Tierversuchen nichts mehr im Wege.

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