Good evening. It’s high, high time that I give you a new Open Source Ink Blot to play with. Please forgive me for not doing it sooner. Here, without delay is Ink Blot No.19 for your monster making pleasure. If you haven’t made a monster before, this might be your week. Let me tell you how it works:
Download OPEN SOURCE INK BLOT 19, print it out, and have at it in any way you like: Draw, paint, origami, film, sculpt, write a screenplay about it. Just scan, photograph, or otherwise document the result and send it my way at and I’ll put the result on the blog right here. If you can, please make your file 480 pixels wide. If you can’t, don’t worry about it.
I’ll resize it for you.
I’m excited to see what you’ll come up with! In the meantime, here are two more excellent drawings from the last round to inspire you.
By the way, do I have to say it, or do you already know, that 344 LOVES YOU
both of these make me very, very sad. they’re pretty, though.