Good evening. I just got back from a quick visit to my local bookstore, and what did I find there but the new issue of LEMON by the brilliant Colin Metcalf and Kevin Grady (with excellent design by Adam Larson). They’re the team that brought you GUM. Colin was also a founding member of RESfest.
You can imagine how exciting it was when these über-cool guys offered to produce an entire magazine full of smart features and luscious images for the sole purpose of delivering a brand new monster poster to a newsstand near you. All kidding aside, going through LEMON 3: A CLOCKWORK LEMON and seeing all the amazing stuff in it, I’m downright giddy to have one of the monsters in the mix. I’ve taken a few snapshots of the thing, so you know what to look for on the magazine rack. It’s fair to say that 344 LOVES LEMON, but that takes nothing away from the fact that, first and foremost, 344 LOVES YOU
SO COOL! congratulations! is this a profile, too? shall we all rush out and buy a copy for more glimpses into your life?
OH….the hatchling from the final egg!
I love that lil guy…….*S*
I’ve been waiting and waiting for this to come out. I know Colin and Kevin had delays getting it printed this time around. I can’t wait to pick up a copy.
Hi guys! Thank you checking out the post.
You’re right, Inanna: This is the hatchling of Monster 100. I thought it deserved something special—like a big, shiny fold-out.
As for the article that accompanies it, it’s an interview more than a profile. For more glimpses into my life you may have to wait for “THE 344 COMPANION—Adventures in Life, Love, and Graphic Design.” I expect *that one* to come out sometime around 2010. :^)
Sam: Colin and Kevin are a huge inspiration, don’t you think? They build these magazines from nothing to something extraordinary by what seems like sheer force of will. My hat is so very off to them.
Hey there Stefan! I make fun of my husband for being the graphic design nerd that he is, but I have to say, I actually want to read this magazine. Glad to see you getting your deserved credit.