Good morning. How are you? I hope you had an excellent weekend, and that the new week will bring good things to you. Let’s start with a new Open Source Ink Blot, why not? In case you’re new to the site, here’s how it works:
Download OPEN SOURCE INK BLOT 18, print it out, and have at it in any way you like: Draw, paint, origami, film, sculpt, write a screenplay about it. Just scan, photograph, or otherwise document the result and send it my way at and I’ll put the result on the blog right here. If you can, please make your file 480 pixels wide. If you can’t, don’t worry about it. I’ll resize it for you.
You can always draw inspiration from some of these rockin’ and rollin’ new creatures. As you can see, all styles are welcome, and if you haven’t drawn in a while or ever… please don’t let it stop you. Monsters don’t have to be slick. They can be unruly and ferocious, simple, and direct, or just plain odd. If you got a monster within you, I say “Let it out!”
I still can’t get past the sheer variety of monsters that floods in every week. You people are cool people! And you’re very kind to give your time to the monsters. Good work! Very good work! It’s no wonder that 344 LOVES YOU
Lest I forget: Tonight’s book map, which reflects the weekend. I’m getting very close to being done with this round. 4 more spreads, the design for the DVD label, and the back cover… then everything goes to HOW for review for two weeks. After that, I have two weeks to put in their changes and hand-letter all the pull quotes… which seemed like a great idea when I designed the three sample spreads. (I mean… if anybody should know better… :^) But… only the best for the monsters and for you guys!
I’m exhausted just reading about the book process….*gasping for breath*
About the new drawings – they’re all great, but I really love the monster on the “tightrope.”….*S*
Yep, the tightrope monster is hilarious.