WEEKLY MONSTER 102 (Bonus Take)

Good afternoon. Thank you for all the great stories that have already come in for Weekly Monster 102. Very, very cool! If you’d like to leave your own, you can do it by clicking here:
Genevieve left a comment that she was disappointed that the monster didn’t do kicks like the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall. Well, I had a few extra minutes this morning—and I’m procrastinating on something else, of course—so here’s a bonus take on Monster 102. Kicks and all! Why? Because 344 LOVES YOU
Great kicks!
I’m lagging behind. Two monsters without a story by Frances! At least one of them will know who s/he is by the evening. 🙂
Stefan Bucher, on demand. You’re too good to your fans. Great stuff!
That monster is WAY prettier then any of those rockettes.
Like, seriously. D: