Good morning. One of the wonderful things about the Daily Monster Experience has been meeting all of you great writers through your excellent stories on the blog. Many of you have become not just friends of the monsters, but also friends of mine. With one or two exceptions of pre-monster friends contributing tales, I have never met any of you in person. Until this weekend, that is. One of the attendants of Design Ranch was our very own monster author Terry T.
I’m happy to report that Terry isn’t just a great writer, but also a thoroughly nice guy. He sat in on two of my workshops and worked overtime to finish his 100 drawings. His chosen theme was 100 Ways To Die. It’s a very funny compilation of mortal coil shuffling. At my special request he even included kitten-induced Toxoplasmosis.
(Needles to say, the kitten was fine!)
Rumor has it that Open Source Monster maven Emily Wong may make an appearance at the AIGA/NY Fresh Dialogues event in May! I hope so! I think meeting all of you in odd locales will be fun for years to come! Until then 344 LOVES YOU from afar!
That is SO cool that you two met! Now it’s kinda like we get to meet him, too. Like I said already…I wish I could see a scan of your one hundred ways to kick the bucket, croak, off, get capped, etc etc etc.
Funny….who knew Texas is so green….
That is SO cool that you two met! Now it’s kinda like we get to meet him, too. Like I said already…I wish I could see a scan of your one hundred ways to kick the bucket, croak, off, get capped, etc etc etc.
Funny….who knew Texas is so green….
sorry fer the hiccup there
Good afternoon monster denizens!
Design Ranch was one hell of an experience and I was so pleased to finally meet Stefan in person. I really had no idea what to expect from the Ranch, but I was really looking forward to “100 Truths” (the workshop put on by Mr. Bucher). I had to go for the 9AM session on Friday, and boy was that fortunate. After much thought (all 15 seconds of it), I put pencil to Moleskin and started the list of ways one could cease to be. After about 15 minutes, I had a list of 20. Thoroughly daunted, I changed gears and started building the layout on the page.
I have a style of using template boxes that I draw on a page and fill in. This poster might be the largest piece I’ve done in that style (both in size and quantity). The workshops lasted for 2 hours each. I only had around 15 illustrations done at the end of the 2 hours. The free moments of the weekend were spent finishing the poster.
You know how hard it is to come up with 100 ways to die? Very.
Others would come up to me to watch me work and I would wrangle a death out of them (in word only, I didn’t actually kill anyone – this time). It was pleasantly creepy. I managed to put the cap on the pen five minutes before 5PM Saturday evening.
Well – enough of my ramblings. You want to see the poster, no doubt. Many might require some explanation, but the majority are pretty obvious. I don’t know how to embed links into these comments (I think I tried once before and it failed, but I will try again).
100 Deaths
Thank you, Stefan. Another quality method to get me to flex my creativity.
PS: There are actually 101 deaths. 102 if you count staring induced comas.
oooh I love days off – I can spend an even more inordinate amount of time on the internet. To look at 102 or so ways to die! These are great!
I laughed aloud at:
Death By Lilliputians
Death By StefanMonster
…falling from the claws of a bird. That illustration is primo.
the ice cube is AWESOME
and finishing with Dead End – priceless
thanks for letting us see The Big Picture!