Good morning. I’m back from my Salt Lake City Thanksgiving Extravaganza, probably 5lbs. heavier, a little worse for wear, but in good spirits. Now it’s just a regular old Sunday and I’m still sticking to my monster-a-day diet. Here it is… Daily Monster No. 8. On a completely unrelated note, it’s my parents’ 35th wedding anniversary today! Hats off, Mom and Dad! They love each other almost as much as 344 LOVES YOU


  • Jason Laughlin
    27 November 2006 9:03 am

    Your talent sickens me. How’s that for a comment? And by the way, Louisville loves you more.

  • 27 November 2006 12:11 pm

    No… 344 loves Louisville more! Thank you for your comment, Jason. Sickeningly yours…

  • Sam Berkes
    27 November 2006 2:10 pm

    Stefan, your monster a day idea is great! I love watching how you turn random ink splotches into these creatures. The time-lapsed video makes for some great pen to paper sounds as well, like when you fill in large spaces w/ black. Fun stuff. I look forward to more.

  • 27 November 2006 5:28 pm

    Hi Sam. Yeah… I love the little squishy squiggly-squiggly-squiggly noise, too. It’s Sharpie Love!

  • 18 December 2006 7:58 am

    Stanus Alsterprix. From the wealthy Gruvenorenstein shipping family. He was a bit more mutated than the rest of his family, and was always an outcast. He decided he wanted to live with no ties to his family or others, so he changed his last name and decided to drive a truck for a living.
    He uses the feet to stand on the seat, the long appendage goes to the steering wheel, the forked appendage works the pedals and the rear appendage is to switch gears.
    He has been known to pick up hitchhikers, although many refuse rides. He is a quiet man content with driving his deliveries back and forth.
    Ironically, he works for his family company. He knows this, but they don’t. Since he changed his name they will never find out.

  • 9 February 2007 11:25 am

    Emlyn, age 4:
    I like about this monster, the biggest stuff on it ever. That monster is my favorite, favorite monster. And that’s it.

  • sue bebie
    6 April 2008 2:50 am

    Heimwehgeplagt und fernab von der wärmenden Sonne Californiens, steckt Bartholomäus in schweren, unbequemen und überaus altmodischen Bergschuhen um dem nördlichen Wetter zu trotzen. Die Schuhe drücken so arg auf seine Zehen, wie die Depression auf sein Gemüt. Armer Kerl!

  • james
    19 October 2008 9:15 pm

    kinda looked like a cuttle fish before you filled it in and added shoes

  • 5 January 2010 1:54 pm

    i love daily monster. even though i only heard about it today 1-5-2010. it’s so cool!! we are making our own monsters in my art class

  • 5 January 2010 5:38 pm

    Well, in that case: Welcome, Miranda! I’m glad you found the Monsters. Have fun in class! :^)

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