Good morning. The craziness of today’s work schedule proves once again that it’s easier to get ten things done than one. The pressure of having to slog through a long laundry list of tasks neutralizes the active ingredients in procrastination: doubt and fear. No time for that if you’ve got to finish two days worth of work in one night. Thus, after a client meeting across town, after handing in revisions for some Time Travel store product, after a post office run, and after answering a whole stack of e-mail correspondence, I am happy to give you… Daily Monster No.4. If you like this new creature, do please pass it on to a friend when you have a minute.

As for me, I’m ready to keel over. Yes, the day it was today allowed me to bypass procrastination, but the flipside is that I’m now completely wiped out. And still… exhaustion notwithstanding… 344 LOVES YOU


  • 22 November 2006 3:06 pm

    oh man. today’s monster is my fave. crazed dog. that must be how you feel like on the inside…haha.
    happy thanksgiving.

  • 22 November 2006 7:04 pm

    Yes…but like your monster-critter, you manage to have one big eye open, never missing a THING!

  • 23 November 2006 9:25 pm

    This one’s a Creature of Vision. I’m glad you like it. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

  • Sue Bebie
    4 April 2008 2:38 am

    Geht’s hier lang zur Tauschbörse? Hab Fische im Maul, mag aber lieber Fliegen! Quorax! Quorax!
    … oder denkt hier etwa jemand ich sei ein Pelikan?

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