Originally posted on August 23rd, 2006
Wednesday morning, 3 a.m. After a few days of hardcore client work I’m back to working on the monster project. The books are drying at the bindery and will be ready for pickup in a few hours. It’s like Christmas Eve!
Unfortunately, I miscalculated the final size of the binding, so I’m busy adjusting the dust jacket file. It’s not a big deal per se, but hell, everything takes forever when you’re working on a 27×17″ file with a hundred layers at 600dpi. But the dust jacket is the last thing that stands between me and meeting publishers, so I’m eager to send off the files. Reason goes out the window and I’m working late nights again. For those of you who’ve heard me talk about maintaining a healthy balance between working and taking care of your body… DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO.
Earlier tonight, I spent a few quality hours mocking up more merchandising items for the project to show how far beyond a book this could go. As I said before, my advertising background compels me. Once you have your ad, you photoshop it into any and all situations to wow the client. “Yes, it’s your new Metamucil ad and here it is on the side of the Empire State Building. And on a blimp. And as a tattoo on Angelina Jolie’s thigh.” You’d be surprised how jazzed people get about this sort of thing. Besides… a couple of Photoshop hours building things that don’t exist are always time well spent. It’s very zen and gives me a chance to appreciate some great pop music. Today’s playlist includes Feist’s cover of the Bee Gees’ “Inside And Out,” the fabulous Pointer Sisters, and ABC’s forever brilliant “Lexicon of Love.” I make absolutely no excuses.
Until next time, remember 344 LOVES YOU